Monday, September 19, 2011

A Mask I Wear

There are tears behind my smile
And a mask I's called denial
Life is tragically to real
From this loss I will not heal

No one has a single clue
How much it losing you
Although they think I'm doing fine
Sometimes I feel I've lost my mind

Memories are all that I have left
After this terrible life theft
A heart that hurts beyond control
Deep down to my very soul

There are tears behind my smile
And a mask I's called denial
I have cried with and without tears
And have been doing so for years

I have found no place to hide
Carry all of this inside
No earthly words that do explain
The kind of life that does remain

I look for signs most every day
That you are close...not far away
I play a game within my heart
As if you never did depart

There are tears behind my smile
And a mask I's called denial
Missing you my special child
When you were here I truly smiled.

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