Sunday, October 24, 2010

Proceeds from ScrapOrchard...


I got this email the other day and I've been meaning to share but finally got to it today :|
Note from Scrap Orchard (Mel & Kami):Helping Hand {Charity Collaboration}

Dear Marnel, Here are the proceeds from the sale of Charlie's kit for the period ending 10/15. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family and if there's anything else we can do to help, please let us know. Love, Scrap Orchard

I want to personally Thank everyone that purchased this kit from Scrap Orchard it really means a lot to my Family and I and the proceeds will help us out tremendously


Today we celebrated Mason's Birthday we cut him an Argentina cake yeah your favorite. I put aside a slice for you :) He got a new bike, helmet and gloves, some new clothes from Tia & Ro she also got him a punching bag it's so cute. Mason asked for you today I thought it was so weird at first because you know how he says your name and Cely's name almost the same and I said Cely and he said all mad at me no mami I want lali. I just stared at him and didn't answer him because I didn't want to cry but it made me feel like I wanted to throw up at the same time so it did make me upset for a lil while after that but I know he's only 3 and he doesn't know that your never coming back home that you'll never walk in the door and throw your bookbag on the couch, smile that big smile of yours at him or me and say so what's up? what did you do all day? It really sucks that you two share a Birthday in the same month and 3 days apart, it's hard to be HAPPY for him and sad for you at the same time.`I have a headache just thinking about all of this stuff and can't sleep. I constantly hope that you will come back to me but I know it's not realistic of me but why does life have to treat me this way? WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY

Photo from Flickr

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